Your physical health is declining: You get really bloated easily because you don't cycle regularly anymore. What you eat stays in the stomach because there's no way to convert it to motion. You steadily gain weight. Time to hit the gym!
Your mental health is also declining (and this is the less noticeable health aspect). Being cooped up indoors all the time isn't good for your psyche. Locked up in a room, locked up in a car, locked up in traffic jam, locked up in a cubicle...You miss the unlimited legroom on your bike, infinite legroom of on-foot commute, and plenty of space in the trunk for your heavy thoughts in the outdoors.
At the moment you're just feeding into the complaints that kids these days don't go outside anymore because they prefer to just stay home and play video games, and that nobody wants to work anymore. Gee, you wonder why?

Be a rebel and start going outdoors again.