Every. Single. Time.
You stop at a stop sign. Somehow that means the car-driver behind you can run the same stop sign and pass you in the intersection before you even complete the intersection/maneuver (bonus if driver also punish-passes you, in addition to running a stop sign and overtaking in an intersection).
Same with red lights, you stop at red lights and depending on whether you are hugging the curb or taking the lane, car-drivers will get disgruntled when being stuck in not-car car-traffic, or squeeze you out of your already-tiny sliver of road gutter to earn that sweet no-stop right-on-red-light or 0.1-second pole position

Your human survival instincts are on full-alarm: No more full-stopping on stop-signs!!
Ignore your human survival instincts: share the road (read: fight) with cars.